Day 2: We stayed in the "Gaslamp District, which is full restaurants and bars. Great place for lounging and partying..or just a casual dinner. Being tired from driving for almost 2 days, we started our day a bit late. We had mexican-american brunch at the "Warewolf American Pub", located on 4th and G st. Being from Toronto, we only just started getting a bit of Mexican taste here, but this place was just what we needed to get our day started. Breakfast burritos and quesdillas, and beautiful sunny morning..perfect start to a great day! (serves breakfast till 1pm)
San Diego Zoo. This zoo is a must see for anyone who visits San Diego. We actually ended up starting the day a bit too late and were running out of day light hours, so took a bus tour which is included in the price of the ticket. The bus takes you through out the whole zoo, and you can get off anywhere you like. After the bus ride, we took the cable trolly which takes you one end of the zoo to another as you fly over the who zoo, seeing all the animals below. We got to see some deer, polar bears and my fave, Flamingos! The zoo is great for kids and adults. If you need a break, there are restaurants and cafes in the Zoo as well!

Balboa Park
Conveniently located right behind the Zoo is Balboa Park. A few years ago I had the pleasure to visit Seville, Spain. This park took me right back to Seville. It is so beautiful and charming, I wish i had a whole day to relax and take in all the beauty of this Park. I can't believe how warm it was there November, but then again it is nowhere close to Toronto! Bougainvillea was blooming everywhere, bringing back memories of Europe. There are restaurant Prado and other cafes in the Park if you want to make the whole day of it.
Next stop: Coronado Island and La Jolla ..

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