And just like that it's over! That's a wrap on the holiday season, and 2014! Happy New Year folks! Here are some of my fave pics from the holidays, which included a whole lot of bubbly and glam. I look forward to the holidays all year because they make cold bitter weather more bearable, and with everything winding down now and the winters can be long and exhausting here in Canada. We probably won't see decent spring until at least April..so I am going to use this time to really work hard on myself.
2014 was a brutal year in terms of winter..I am sure the words 'Polar Vortex' still sends shivers down many people's backs! With it being freezing cold and covered in 3 feet of snow at any given time my work was pretty slow as no one wanted to leave home..and it really gave me a lot of time to explore my interests. I started this blog a year ago without really knowing the direction I would be going into, and on this journey not only did I discover the path for my blog but who I really was deep down. I finally understand the saying "Be You". If you want to be artistic, go for it. If you want to strip yourself of all religious ties, go for it. If you don't want to make frivolous small talk, don't. Don't try to force something that is just not working. I tried impressing the world and I wasn't fooling anyone, and more importantly I was just exhausted trying to do so. I felt I never did quite fit in, but the moment I let go..I found myself. Those very people I was trying to impress are impressed by me being just ME. I can't thank that miserable winter of 2014 for allowing me discover who I was.
Thank you 2014..I will forever cherish the gift you've given me.

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