We are finally seeing some change in weather these days. Today is exceptionally beautiful, sun is shining, subtle breeze, and the snow is finally melting! However, no blooms in sight, and probably won't be for another few weeks. Temperature is steady going up but nowhere near spring like yet. So I got myself some blooms to make the wait more bearable! There is something so magical about Peonies, they are wrapped so tight and as they start to bloom and layers unfold, you can't help but be in awe of mother nature.
And now I will leave you with some more shots of one of my favorite flowers.
Beautiful find #1: Have I mentioned how I raided Lowe's the other day. I walked in there to grab one paint chip by Pantone, and next thing I know I was grabbing every colour! I was starting to worry that someone was going to come up to me and tell me to leave as I felt like I was stealing something! But really with all the beautiful shades, how can you not grab all these pretty Pantone paint chips.
Beautiful find #2: Striped Paper Straws. They are so pretty.. I found one or two colours at Target, but it wasn't until I walked into Michael's that I found every colour imaginable, and all for $3.00 for a pack of 8! I think bought about 6 different colours. I can't wait to have BBQs and perhaps use a diff colour every weekend!
Beautiful find #3: Now all the beauty bloggers are probably thinking this is old news, but my jaw just dropped when I saw these lovely nail polish bottles by Revlon. Not only are they super cute, the colours are simply gorgeous and best of all, each nail polish has a unique fragrance! I love that my nails not only look pretty but smell so sweet!
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