Have you tried the Little LIFE Box? I recently received a box to try it out, and I kind of love it! You basically get samples of lifestyle products which are organic and (can be) vegan if you are on a vegan diet. As you might know, I recently made a huge lifestyle change, and have completely changed the way I eat. I am on a very limited carb diet (basically I can only have quinoa, buckwheat and millet); and I have eliminated all dairy out of my diet.
It is great when I buy raw ingredients and make everything myself, but trying to find a ready-made snack that fits my diet has been a tough challenge. I try to eat organic wherever I can, I am not 100% vegan though, however I do try to look for good quality food products. So when I found out about "Little Life box", I figured I have nothing to lose so I tried one out. The box contained plant based protein powder, very delicious gluten-free and dairy-free protein bars, organic fair trade black tea (hello? addict over here!)..even some great energy boost packets which are full of vitamins. Check out their site over HERE and try it for yourself. I have already found some great products, and you can find out more details on the products they send you from their site. BTW it is not just food, the products range from organic,vegan skincare to household items! So be sure to check it out..I am sure you will love it!

I haven't heard of this box before! It sounds pretty cool!
It is fantastic, so many vegan/gluten free/dairy free/ fair trade options! They have products for every lifestyle!